Transmitter Site got a new antenna and Amplifier

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Director Philemon Fihavango, Bishop Gideon Maghina, Deo Mosha, Driver Temba and Student Jonathan Maghina arrived at the transmitter site in Kidia

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The new antenna

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Last touch on the new transmitter cable

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Connecting the new amplifier

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Preparing the prayers for the new Tool in Gods hands

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Director Philemon Fihavango switches on the new Amplifier the first time

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Short prayer to dedicate the new antennas and power amplifier in Gods Hands


Following the 50 years celebration of the ELCT the Lutheran Radio Centre got new Antennas and a power Amplifier for its first transmitter side in Kidia. The church is grateful its donor Mission OneWorld in Germany for financing this big request.

After installing the new antennas and cable weeks before Director Philemon Fihavango, Bishop Gideon Maghina, Deo Mosha accompanied by driver Temba and student Jonathan Maghina went to the transmittersite on Thursday morning  23rd of January 2013.

After connecting the Amplifier the director switched it on the first time followed by a short cermony of dedication of the new equipmet to Gods work.

Please use the following link to watch a short video of the cermony:
